Health Management Policy

Nagoya Electric Works is providing various values that lead to an affluent and sustainable society and enhancing its corporate value through its business activities based on the management philosophy.

In order to improve our corporate value, it is necessary to create an environment in which each and every employee can play an active role in good health both physically and mentally, and it is necessary for each and every employee to be aware of and responsible for his/her own health.

We are committed to providing our employees with a rewarding and healthy work environment that promotes their health and well-being.

Takaaki Hattori
Nagoya Electric Works Co., Ltd.

Certified as a 2024 Health and Productivity Management Organization

The "Health and Productivity Management Organization" Recognition Program was established by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry in FY2016 with the aim of "visualizing" companies that are particularly practicing excellent health management, and creating an environment where they can receive evaluations from employees, job seekers, related companies, financial institutions, etc. Companies that meet the evaluation criteria are certified as "Health and Productivity Management Organizations" by the Japan Health Council.


Management Issues and Themes to Address

Nagoya Electric Works aims to achieve sustainable growth by creating an environment where each employee can be healthy both physically and mentally and work energetically. As part of this, we have positioned “improving productivity through better lifestyle habits and physical and mental health of employees" as one of the important health management issues and are promoting various initiatives. By being certified as a 2024 Health and Productivity Management Organization, our evaluation results for health and productivity management, health issues, and the status of our response to them have become clear.

In light of this, we will continue to focus on the themes of "efforts toward physical health" and "efforts toward mental health" as we did last year, while reviewing our indicators and policies and making improving health issues as our top priority.

Furthermore, by making things visible and implementing the PDCA cycle to achieve continuous improvement, we aim to resolve management issues and further increase our corporate value.

Strategy Map

Indicators for Initiative Themes

To achieve "improving productivity through better lifestyle habits and physical and mental health of employees," we will review and strengthen existing indicators, set new indicators, and work on addressing health issues.

For the employees' physical health, we act and support them by:

  • Increasing the number of employees taking the detailed medical checkup,
  • Increasing the number of employees taking the specific health guidance,
  • Increasing the number of employees taking the complete medical checkup,
  • Increasing the number of non-smokers, and
  • Increasing the number of participants in the "Aruko Fes".

For the employees' mental health, we act and support them by:

  • Reducing overtime hours
  • Increasing the number of participants in e-learning education
  • Increasing the number of employees taking mental health education

Target and Action To Take

Initiatives for Physical Health

Increasing the number of employees taking the detailed medical checkup

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
27.3% 50.0% *Under review 100.0%

Promotion Plan
1. A "Detailed medical checkup Notice" is sent to employees requiring a secondary examination, as determined by the occupational physician. Employees are expected to visit a medical institution within three months and submit a "Detailed medical checkup report." The checkup status is reported to the Safety and Health Committee and shared with the occupational physician. If the checkup cannot be confirmed, it is reported to the supervisor, and a consultation with the occupational physician is conducted.
2. Follow-up by a public health nurse after the medical checkup will be conducted to encourage detailed checkup and improve participation.

Increasing the number of employees taking the specific health guidance

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
53.6% 70.0% - 100.0%

Promotion Plan
In cooperation and consultation with the contracted company, Benefit One Co., Ltd. by the Japan Health Insurance Association (Kyokai Kenpo), an environment will be developed in which health guidance by public health nurses and nutritionists can be easily received during work hours at the workplace. Continuous encouragement for participation will be provided to eligible individuals via email and written notices.

Increasing the number of employees taking the complete medical checkup

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
20.2% 50.0% *Under review 100.0%

Promotion Plan
1. Notices for regular health checkups are made through the in-house intranet in May. At the same time, promotion for the use of complete medial checkup and other examinations will be conducted to increase usage. Besides health examination implementation, notices will be posted on the intranet or via posters three times a year, specifying the examination items and available locations to encourage participation.
2. To increase examination rates among younger employees in their 20s and 30s, an on-site complete medical checkup event will be set up at the head office to create an environment where they can easily participate

Increasing the number of non-smokers

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
77.1% 80.0% - 100.0%

Promotion Plan
From FY2023 onwards, employees who declare that they will quit smoking, both publicly and privately, to promote their health will receive a monthly allowance.

Increasing the Number of Participants in the "Aruko Fes"

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
- 20.0% - 100.0%

Promotion Plan
The walking event "Aruko Fes" will be held twice a year using the health promotion app "Suntory Plus." Since the walking event within the app can be easily participated in, opportunities for healthy habits will be created in daily life, promoting exercise habits.

Initiatives for Mental Health

Reducing overtime hours

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
20.4 hours 20.0 hours - 0.0 hours

Promotion Plan
To reduce average overtime hours, we have set a monthly maximum overtime of 70 hours for FY2020–2021 and 60 hours from FY2022 onward.

Increasing the number of participants in e-learning education

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
100.0% 100.0% - 100.0%

Promotion Plan
Continue conducting four sessions per year on illnesses peculiar to women and conduct two sessions per year to improve health literacy among managers. Announcements will be made via the in-house intranet, and regular delivery of materials will increase educational opportunities.

Increasing the number of employees taking mental health education

FY2023 actual FY2024 target FY2030 target Final target
48.7% 100.0% - 100.0%

Promotion Plan
Mental health education by the occupational physician will be conducted monthly on Tuesdays, and seminars on mental and physical health by a public health nurse will be held once a year for all employees. Announcements will be made via the in-house intranet to improve health literacy.

Target and Action To Take (Additional)

Item Promotion Plan FY'23
Regular Health Checkup Rate Thorough Period
100.0% 100.0% - 100.0%
Stress Check Participation Rate Promote
Implementation for All Employees
98.1% 100.0% - 100.0%
Annual Leave Utilization Rate Promote Continuous
Leave Acquisition
75.9% 80.0% 85.0% 100.0%