Nagoya Electric Works Group is providing Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) products including Variable Message Signs (VMS) to achieve road traffic safety and a low-carbon society in the global community. In cooperation with local industries, academia and government agencies, we identify road transportation issues and needs in each region, and provide the best solution for those areas.
SATREPS M2Smart Project
SATREPS "M2Smart Project" which we led as a representative research organization was completed in September 2022. In this project, we collaborated with Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad and the College of Science and Engineering at Nihon University to support Smart City initiatives in India under the theme of "Achieving a Low-Carbon Society in the Transportation Sector".
SATREPS “「M2Smart Project”」(Japan Science and Technology Agency)
This initiative was featured in the ODA white paper.
White Paper on Development Cooperation / Japan’s ODA White Paper 2019
ITS Project for the Bengaluru metropolitan area in India
We are working on the construction of Intelligent Transportation Systems for the Bengaluru metropolitan area in India. This Project was adopted by JICA to solve the traffic congestion issues in the area, and we are delivering ITS equipment and systems as a package. As an important project of Japan’s ODA, our employees are currently working on this project in cooperation with local staff.
SAKURA SCIENCE High School Program
In May 2019, we invited 102 high school students selected by SAKURA SCIENCE High School Program and 18 accompanying teachers from India, Philippines, Laos, Cambodia and Mongolia. In this session, we gave lectures on congestion mitigation research as part of the SATREPS project in India and held a factory tour to experience our ITS products and manufacturing sites.
Other Initiatives We Were Involved In
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Road Maintenance Equipment Deployment Project
ITS Promotion and Demonstration Project in Major Cities of Gujarat State
Sri Lanka
Operation and Maintenance Vehicles Procurement for the Southern Expressway